
Author: George W. Stose [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Geological Atlas of the United States Hartville Folio Wyoming 
Year: 1903 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Rogersville Folio Pennsylvania 
Year: 1907 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Mitchell Folio South Dakota 
Year: 1903 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Ann Arbor Folio Michigan 
Year: 1908 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Gillespie-Mount Olive Folio Illinois 
Year: 1926 
Call No: Yellow UNit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Newell Folio South Dakota 
Year: 1919 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Rome Folio Georgia-Alabama 
Year: 1902 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Milwaukee Special Folio Wisconsin 
Year: 1906 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States Tolchester Folio Maryland 
Year: 1917 
Call No: Yellow Unit 
Geological Atlas of the United States San Francisco Folio California 
Year: 1914 
Call No: Yellow Unit